
Srijitha Mohan


Session : both Online & Offline

This Course is for all the the professionals who want to understand the training domain in detail, and assist their teams to get trained in their areas of expertise. This course will enable you to design and deliver programs that get results:

  • Introduction
  • Identifying the training needs:
    •  What is training Need Analysis and why is it important
    • How to do a TNA
    • Understanding whether its a training Issue or not
    • Creating an individual development plan
    • Developing learning objectives
  • Developing a Employee Training Program
    •  ADDIE design model
    • Designing a Training Program
    • Implementing a training Program
    • Identifying the other training requirements like room design, set up etc.
    • The training procedure
  • Training tools and how to use them
    • Types of training delivery methods
    • Using different training aids
    • Using Case studies, role plays, ice breakers, energizers etc.
  • Evaluating training Programs
    • Need for evaluation
    • The evaluation frameworks:
      • CIRO Model
      • The Kirkpatrick Model
      • The Phillips ROI Model
      • Understanding feedbacks
  • Mastering the art of delivering a training program
    • Non-verbal skills
    • Presentation skills
    • Handling questions
    • Handling difficult participants

Note: The pricing is on a per hour basis